Jennifer Kolb Specialty Areas
Life Transitions
Whether related to identity, relationships, family, job, career, retirement, aging, illness, or any other significant life changing event, it is possible to meet and move through life transitions in a way that feels right and appropriate for you. It can be beneficial to have steadfast support and therapeutic insight while navigating these periods of change.
Grief and Loss
Grief can accompany any event that disrupts or challenges our sense of normalcy or ourselves. This includes the loss of connections that define us. Some losses that result in grief include death, divorce, diminishing health, employment status changes, and dissolved relationships, among others.
Anxiety and Depression
Managing stress, anxiety, and depression can be challenging, but there are many effective strategies and resources available to help improve your mental health and overall well-being. With a personalized approach and support, it is possible to reduce your symptoms and start feeling better.
Addiction Recovery
Addiction and addictive behaviors are frequently a manifestation of something more that needs to be addressed, and usually occur in response to seeking nervous system regulation. I work specifically with individuals and families who are in recovery or are seeking addiction recovery.
Post-traumatic Growth & Trauma Recovery
I integrate Somatic Experiencing (SE) and aspects of polyvagal theory into my work. SE offers a framework to assess where a person is “stuck” in responses and provides clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states, leading to increased resiliency and post-traumatic growth.
Drawing from my experience in mental health assessment and treatment across a wide variety of settings, I provide consultation sessions that include the development of an initial short-term treatment plan in which I also provide any necessary referrals and resources.